P42 Climax is turning heads around. We are getting extremely positive feedback from users. Yes, it is addictive (inserting it on just about everything) but good for your music!
Download the new version from the P42 Climax webpage.
What’s included in this update V1.4:
- We introduce an “Air” switch that adds a High Shelving at 5 KHz. It is smooth and unmasks many elements in your busy mix. It is NOT aggressive, sibilance booster or brittle and this is a signature sound, part of the Pulsar Modular philosophy.
- New presets cover the signature sound of a line input into a Neve 1080, Studer A812 tape machine AND the SSL Fusion coloring hardware box.
- Default Preset has been set to Main Out.= 0dB instead of -1dB. I did this, because I have been using multiple P42 in series on a track and everytime I drag a P42, the Main Out is -1dB (and the sound was getting lower) and did not notice that.
- Right below the Default Preset is the _FLAT. A good starting point- It basically inserts the P42 with as little intrusion as possible.
Please note, that installing a new version update with Preset folders checked, will erase the same name presets from your computer while RETAINING your own custom presets. If you usually tweak presets and keep them with the same name, then it is best to drag the new presets manually to the appropriate folder (see User Guide for location).