The intent of the Fixed Filter Bank was to enhance the primary signal of the synthesizer, adding harmonics at specific frequencies or removing them at others. Some wanted completely new and never before heard sonic landscapes to push themselves and their audiences into new worlds of musical experience. Others wanted to create more traditional and familiar sounds, while still pushing the boundaries and making use of the new voltage controls, features, and character not available in a traditional “un-plugged” instrument. Some wanted both.
Enter the new reimagined P915 MEDUSA Fixed Filter Bank. A filter which adds subtle or not so subtle resonances to the signal or removing frequency bands altogether. This process, when mixed in with the unaltered, “dry” signal, can mimic the actual behavior of a traditional instrument. It can also act on its own as a unique and creative source of sound shaping possibilities not available in other filter structures.
Several hardware clones of the 915 were being introduced primarily based on active filter design structures. The original structure of the 915 used simple inductors, capacitors, and resistors for the filter cells, which delivered a subtle interactions were lost in the sterile world of semiconductors. However, a design based on The original structure was begging to be pursued. A source for inductors was found, the schematics were scrutinized, errors in the schematics from copying were weeded out, circuit boards were designed, and the result was an extremely accurate and faithful copy of the original response as published by Moog in their original owner’s manual.
With a solid hardware version in hand, a software model could begin. Careful characterization and measurement of the hardware, along with a software model keeping the unique structure of the Moog FFB with its two stage design, has resulted in a software model that faithfully matches and follows that of the original. Adding some extra features, such as being able to direct the output of each cell to either the left or right channel, opens up additional possibilities that add to the charm, utility, and character of the filter.
The P915 design, implementation and quality control was in collaboration with David Ingebretsen of Analogue Realities The P915 MEDUSA is simply put, a meticulous, spot-on implementation of the Inductor 915 Fixed Filter Bank but taken to the next level in functionality, usability and performance.
- Features fourteen vintage style fixed frequency, inductor based filters.
- There is a LP and a HP shelf filter
- Twelve Band Pass filters are set at half octave interval spacings, which range from 125 Hz through to 5.8kHz.
- Option to split into two six band filters (175Hz, 350Hz, 700Hz, 1.4kHz, 2.8Khz and 5.6 kHz plus Low Pass) for the Left Channel, and the alternate six bands (125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1kHz, 2 kHz, 4kHz plus High Pass) for the Right channel. This is a very musical split, as it can perform as two separate Fixed Filter Banks with Octave spacing between filters, and the Right channel is offset against the Left channel by a half octave.
- Wet-Dry cross fader mixes between the treated signal and the dry or external signal , again with manual and Voltage Controlled panning between banks.
- Zero latency
- macOS: AU, AAX and VST3 formats.
- Windows: VST3 and AAX formats.
Audio Examples
Artist Reviews
Supported Plugin Formats
AU, VST3, AAX (Apple Silicon ready).
Supported Operating Systems
macOS 10.14+
Windows 7+
Apple RISC M chip and Intel CPU (Universal 2 Binary)
x64-compatible CPU
System Requirements
Display resolution: 1440 × 900px or 1280 × 960px or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Copy Protection
A one-time challenge & response over the internet. License works on up two separate machines.
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40-Day Free Demo
To start your 40-day fully functional demo for 2 computers, Press the "DEMO" button and complete the checkout. Follow the instructions you will get by email. No dongle required.
Enter the new reimagined P915 MEDUSA Fixed Filter Bank. A filter which adds subtle or not so subtle resonances to the signal or removing frequency bands altogether. This process, when mixed in with the unaltered, “dry” signal, can mimic the actual behavior of a traditional instrument. It can also act on its own as a unique and creative source of sound shaping possibilities not available in other filter structures.
Customer reviews
23 reviews for P915 MEDUSA
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P915 is a valuable tool in my creative process. It can be addictive, as it’s easy to lose track while tweaking. It is an excellent tool for enhancing the “vibe” of tracks with its distinctive filters. You can create intriguing filter effects, simulate acoustic resonances, and even generate rhythmic patterns by automating the band levels. The Performance Bank simply stores snapshots or variations of settings. The Morph is basically for transitions.
As a hobbyist electronic music producer, at 1st sight it was not obvious that my workflow could benefit from a tool like this. Over the years I’ve accumulated many EQ’s and filters and default to a few standards. As I now have a number of Pulsar Modular plugins loaded as part of my DAW template I trialled P915 Medusa.
Initially I thumbled around without any outstanding results, but then after watching the video applied a more disciplined approach and quickly discovered how it could be applied to my works.
Even though I can typically use existing EQs and filters to balance my mixes, occasionally these do not work (it’s likely my inexperience). Where other EQs/Filters failed, I was able to get the desired result with P915 Medusa quickly.
Once I’d discovered a P915 Medusa workflow results came quickly using ears rather than eyes. Mix balances are overall improved when compared to my previous methods.
P915 Medusa is now part of my DAW template project, and I now reach for this regularly often in preference to existing favourite EQs and filters.
P915 is a one of a kind filter bank! It gives that intimate vintage sound and really brings the synths to life! The sound becomes captivating! It’s a must-have to complement your synths!
still very good sound and evolved interface.